Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Science Night

What a fun and interactive way to engage a child, "Family Science Night".  Check out the creativity from Lupin Hills Elementary School in California.  They participated in this unique event that investigated earthworms, mysterious smells and reactions to different chemicals.  Around 225 students along with their parents explored in this outreach program. The kids & parents partnered together and they found that science can be fun!  More details.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How do lava experiments work?

Lava Lamps are fun to create and they are very simplistic, meant for any age group .  The only ingredients you need is Water, Vegetable oil, salt, food coloring and a cool glass jar.  You are probably wondering, how in the world does this work! Well, Oil is less dense than water so it is able to float above the water.  When you add the salt, the salt crabs part of the oil and drags it to the bottom of the jar because it is denser than the water.  The Salt will then start to break down and dissolve.  

For more information and steps on how to do create a lava lamp, please read on.... lava lamp


Monday, January 3, 2011

1st Graders examine their surroundings

Using your senses (video)
Think blocks is a wonderful and simple idea for children in early development to gain a better perspective on how to depend/ understand your senses.   They are designed to teach four essentially important thinking skills: 
(1) Contrasting between similarities and opposites or “distinction making”
(2) Understanding part-whole structures or “systems thinking”
(3) Recognizing interactions, associations, and cause and effect or “relational thinking
 (4) Learning to see things from different points-of-view or “perspective taking” 
This is just another way to make science fun!!!