Sunday, December 26, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse Syncronicity

The Total Lunar Eclipse is an amazing, yet rare experience.   We were fortunate enough to have this opportunity to see this on the day of the Winter Solstice, which is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and marks the official beginning of winter, December 21, 2010.  The last time this was seen was on Dec. 21, 1638.  The winter Solstice will not be see again until Dec. 21, 2094.  Kurdistan Planetarium Video

Sunday, December 19, 2010

AIr Pressure Experiment

Watch this simple, yet fun, experiment you can do with your child to show the role oxygen plays with air!  This is a creative way for children to get a better understanding or the uniqueness the two play. Air and oxygen are sometimes used interchangeably, but the two things are actually very different.  This is sometimes hard to articulate, so having the ability to involve a child into a project gives them a higher success rate in understanding the concepts behind the science.

Monday, December 6, 2010

NASA Rover Finds Water

NASA's mission of launching the Rover has taken many years to perfect.  Take a look at the video below for an inside look into the exciting breakthrough thanks to science!
successful mission

Evidence discovered by the Rover leads scientists to believe that due to frost and snow, thin films of water has entered from the ground.  This could have occurred during one of the several climate changes as Mars tilts farther on its axis.  Mars Exploration