Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why a Leaf Changes Color?

In the Summer, trees have plenty of light and water, but as autumn comes, the days shorten and they loose the ability to produce enough light and water for photosynthesis.   

Photosynthesis is process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight.  Basically, the trees are able to live off of the food that is stored up from the summer.  The color green will begin to change to either a yellow, red, or orange depending on the type of tree. What a gorgeous sight to see!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Butterfly Project

Butterflies develop and mature in four different stages of life.  

1. An adult butterfly lays an egg.
2. The egg hatches into a caterpillar or larva.
3. The caterpillar forms the chrysalis or pupa.
4. The chrysalis matures into a butterfly.

The wing span of a butterfly can reach 3 to 4 inches across.  They are beautiful, but fragile so be careful if you want to catch one!

It is time to be creative.  Lets make our own butterfly by clicking on the link above.  


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Volcano Eruption Experiment

This project shows what happens when an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda) interact. Chemically, the acid and base neutralize each other, producing carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct. Easy and simply to do at home! Try this fun experiment today...

                     Watch Volcano Demo

In a real volcano, molten rock forms deep within the Earth and erupts through the volcano (the molten rock is called magma), which forms within the Earth, causing the lava to flow out!  You have several features of a volcano: Magma Chamber, main Vent, Secondary Vent, Secondary Cone, Crater, Lava Flow, Prognostic Flow, Volcanic Bombs and an ash cloud!  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Full Moon

March 19th was the first full moon of its size since 1993.   These rare large moons only occur once in every 20 years.  When you play the video above, you will get an inside look at the 14% size difference and the reasons, believed, behind this unique illusion.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Science Made Fun for Everyone!!!

Scientist James working with his students 
High Touch High Tech was developed as a way for children to become engaged in the wonderful world of science.  The sscientists attentively listen to and encourage the students to contribute their own ideas and opinions through interactive dialogue. What makes this program so successful is the hands on experience the students receive along with collaboration skills being developed among peers.  Bottom line, You must try to challenge your children/ students on a creative and intellectual level without making it a chore.  Make learning fun!!!  Please read the attached link for an example of science made fun.  Scientist James

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How does the Basilisk Lizard Walk on Water?

The Basilisk lizard, AKA the Jesus lizard, are found in the Tropical Rain Forest of Central & South America and they are finding a passage to the US.  They have a unique ability from all other animals; they can walk on water.  This is possible due to the flaps between their toes that support them above the water as they are rapidly moving across, keeping their head up.  As you watch the video below, you can see how the lizard is able to balance themselves along with keeping up their speed. To read more a more dept study, please see Nation Geographic

Jesus Lizard

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Science Night

What a fun and interactive way to engage a child, "Family Science Night".  Check out the creativity from Lupin Hills Elementary School in California.  They participated in this unique event that investigated earthworms, mysterious smells and reactions to different chemicals.  Around 225 students along with their parents explored in this outreach program. The kids & parents partnered together and they found that science can be fun!  More details.